Star Magic Workshops (Conversational Tagalog)

Star Magic Workshops (Conversational Tagalog)

December 30, 2022 Fri 10pm - 10:01pm (GMT+08:00)

at TBC

Get Access

Conversational Tagalog (Basic, Full Payment)
E-Ticket via Third Party
₱5,500.00 + Free handling

Sale Ended

Conversational Tagalog (Intermediate, Full)
E-Ticket via Third Party
₱6,000.00 + Free handling

Sale Ended

Conversational Tagalog (Advanced, Full Payment)
E-Ticket via Third Party
₱6,500.00 + Free handling

Sale Ended

Event Details

Purchasing a ticket signifies that you agree and understand all the rules and regulations stated below:


The registration is on a first come, first served basis.  ABS-CBN Star Magic has the capacity and exclusive right to accept and reject workshoppers for whatever reasons that promote the best interest of the company.  All payments received are non-refundable under all circumstances. 

In submitting this Registration Form, I hereby agree to the following:

I certify that I have thoroughly read and understood ABS-CBN Corporation’s Privacy Notice which is in line with the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012 and posted in and that I am giving my consent to the processing of my Personal Information and/or Sensitive Personal Information under the terms and conditions provided therein.

I certify that all information stated above are true and correct and any false or misleading information supplied, or production of materially false or misleading document to support the information provided herein, shall be a ground for the appropriate criminal, civil and/ or administrative action against me.  I hereby agree to abide by the Workshop Rules & Regulations attached hereto and made an integral part thereof.  I hereby authorize ABS-CBN Star Magic to make or cause any verification or investigation on any provided or relied upon herein.



1.  All workshoppers are subject to the Workshop Rules and Regulations, which are in force, and which may be amended by ABS-CBN STAR MAGIC as the need arises.

1.  The workshops are available to individuals within the following age brackets:

Kids Workshops  –  6 to 12 years old

Teens Workshops  –  13 to 17 years old

Adult Workshops  –  18 years old and above

2.  All workshoppers warrant and represent that they are in good physical condition and that they know of no medical or other reason why they are not capable of engaging in the workshop activities and that such activities will not be detrimental to their health, safety, comfort or physical condition.  Workshoppers further represent that they suffer from no physical impairment that would prevent their involvement in any workshop activity. ABS-CBN STAR MAGIC should be informed in writing if a workshopper has any special mental or physical conditions that may impede his or her performance during the workshop.

It is the workshoppers’ responsibility to provide the following: good internet access, computer laptop/desktop/Ipad/mobile phone.  Any gadget specification may be used as long as it can support the use of the ZOOM conferencing application.

3.  Star Magic observes strict punctuality in all its workshops. A workshopper is only allowed three (3 absences) throughout the workshop program. Star Magic has the option to terminate a workshopper’s participation to the workshop if the workshopper incurs more than three (3) absences.

The host can start admitting workshop participants 20 minutes prior the start of the class to have time allowance for troubleshooting problems in connectivity and log in process.  Class will start on time. Latecomers may be allowed and accepted at the discretion of the host. Practice punctuality, stewardship and accountability. No absences as much as possible.

Secure a good internet connection in your location to ensure a steady and secure connection. In cases of sudden disconnection, log in back to the session immediately.  The workshopper may directly contact the teacher or any workshop staff for assistance.

Star Magic requires that only workshoppers are present during the sessions.

For the kids workshops, only one parent or guardian may be allowed to join the session subject to the approval of the teachers. The parent/guardian must not be visible in the frame with the workshopper.

All workshoppers are required to give full focus and concentration during the class. Since workshoppers are situated in the comfort of their homes or their personal space, various distractions will always be present. When not putting up a scene or a monologue, singing or dancing or when the teacher is giving a lecture, workshoppers may take down notes, listen carefully, analyze, and formulate questions. The teacher will give time for Q&A. DO NOT MULTI-TASK! Refrain from talking to other people, doing things not related to the class, and doing things that will distract workshop participants. Only bathroom breaks are allowed for a short 2 to 3 minutes only.

4.  All workshoppers are required to wear proper and decent workshop attire.  Refrain from just wearing sleepwear or undergarments as well as explicit, revealing, and offensive clothing.

5.  It is understood and agreed that workshoppers are NOT employees or agents of ABS-CBN STAR MAGIC.  STAR MAGIC WOKSHOPS, its staff, facilitators and coordinators will not be liable for any claims, demands, losses, loss of profit or business, actions or legal proceeding due to death, injury, loss, damage or theft to a workshoppers’ person or property arising out of, or in connection with any of the workshop activities or venues.  Workshoppers hold STAR MAGIC, its staff, facilitators and coordinators free from all claims which may be brought against them by a workshopper or on a workshopper’s behalf for any such injuries or claims as aforesaid and all costs and expenses incidental thereto.  Workshoppers further agree that they will not be covered by an accident insurance and that they waive any and all claims for damages from STAR MAGIC, staff, facilitators and coordinators.


  Parents, guardians and any observers are not allowed to join the class. It will be upon the discretion of the host or the teacher as to who can sit in and join the class.


7.  STAR MAGIC reserves the right to reject and/or terminate a workshoppers’ enrollment for the following reasons:

a.   Without notice and with immediate effect if the member’s conduct, whether or not  such conduct is the subject of complaint by another workshopper(s), is such that reasonable opinion of STAR MAGIC staff/facilitators/coordinators, may be injurious to the character or interest of the venue, STAR MAGIC staff/facilitators/coordinators and/or other workshoppers. It is upon the discretion of the Training Head and Teachers to pull you out from the training program, if by any reason you are harmful, disruptive and for any reason not suitable to continue the training.

b.   Without notice and with immediate effect if the workshopper shall have committed any breach of the workshop rules and regulations.

c.   Upon notice, if any dues or any other payment required remain unpaid after the due date of payment.

d.   Upon notice, if STAR MAGIC is of the opinion that the workshopper is not a suitable individual to continue workshop activities. All decisions of STAR MAGIC under this clause are final and binding.

8.  Any workshopper whose registration is terminated by STAR MAGIC shall forfeit all the privileges of STAR MAGIC workshoppers with immediate effect without claim for any refund of his or her workshop fee.


9.  The workshop’s final output, i.e., any individual/group photographs or videos of workshopper(s), shall be the exclusive property of STAR MAGIC who shall have the unlimited right to use them worldwide for whatever purpose it requires without any compensation to workshopper(s).

  Video, still, and audio recording of the workshop proceedings are strictly prohibited. All violators will be held liable for unauthorized recording and dissemination of workshop proceedings whether with or without personal consent.  Only the teacher and the workshop staff are allowed to do any form of recording of the full or a portion of the workshop proceedings.

10.  Consumption of drugs and alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited.  Consuming non-alcoholic beverages and light snacks may be allowed during the duration of the session as long as these will not interfere and distract the workshopper from focusing on the class.

By joining the workshop, you acknowledge and accept all the rules and regulations presented herein and agree to have full accountability for violation of any of the provisions.  Full legal action shall be used for breach in any provision of this agreement.